To Publish Sunday PM, 9/5/2021
Labor Day
Monday, September 6, 2021
Federal Holiday Schedule
The church will be open today from 10:00 am
until 2:00 pm.
In-person Worship
Daily Mass 12:10 pm
This week, Tuesday through Saturday,
Saint Mary’s is open daily
from 10:00 am
until 5:30 pm.
In-person Worship
Daily Mass 12:10 pm
Daily Evening Prayer
5:00 pm
The Sixteenth Sunday
after Pentecost
September 12, 2021
Solemn Mass 11:00 am
In-person Worship and Live-stream
Sermon by the Reverend Stephen Gerth
Dr. Mark Risinger, Cantor
As we gather at your table—David Hurd (b. 1950)
Chorale “Vexilla Regis” from Le Tombeau de Titelouze, Op. 38
—M. Dupré (1886-1971)
Verset 1, “Ad Caenam Agni Providi”
— J. Titelouze (1563-1633)
Download the service bulletin here.
Download the lessons for the Eucharist here.