The Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost, Solemn Evensong & Benediction, by the Rector
At the Solemn Mass this morning, I was one of the ministers of the cup. I’m used to people trying to turn the cup a little when they take it from me, but this person turned the cup almost 180 degrees before drinking. The person was Caucasian, receiving after a person of color. For whatever reason, I think the person of color saw what happened. I’ve never seen this “chalice-turner” before. I’m not sure I would have spoken to her about it. But it made me sad. Then I began to wonder how I may turn from other people in my own way. Before I got to singing the wonderful postcommunion hymn, Come, thou fount of every blessing, the General Confession from 1928 Morning Prayer was racing through my mind. Some of you probably still know it by heart:
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