The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Life Profession of Sister Laura Katharine, C.S.J.B., by The Reverend James Ross Smith
Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, Father Smith was not able to be present, in person, for the Holy Eucharist at the Convent in Mendham, New Jersey on September 8, 2020. His address was read for him and in his name by Sister Monica Clare, C.S.J.B., Sister Superior of the Community of Saint John Baptist.
My dear Sister Laura Katharine, Sister Monica Clare, Sister Deborah Francis, and all the Sisters of the Community of Saint John Baptist, greetings from the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Times Square: I was very much looking forward to being there to celebrate this great day with Sister Laura Katharine and all of you. Though this was not to be, still, I hope you know that I am with you in spirit. Today at Mass at Saint Mary’s, I celebrated the Holy Eucharist for Sister Laura Katharine’s intentions, and we prayed for her and for all of you, giving thanks for Sister’s ministry here at Saint Mary’s and for the ministry of the Community of Saint John Baptist.
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