Saint Mary’s Ministries


Click below to support a ministry and choose one of the specific funds on the form.

Neighbors in Need

This is our monthly clothing ministry. Donations provide funds with which Neighbors in Need can purchase underwear, toiletries and other items that are not donated in kind.

Altar Flowers

Donate to provide for flowers at the altar and in the church for a specific Sunday or Feast Day (the full cost of flowers for one Sunday is $250). Contact Chris Howatt (, phone 212/869-5830, ext. 10) to reserve a date and make a dedication for your flower donation to appear in the bulletin.

Music at Saint Mary’s

Support Saint Mary’s by providing funds for our music program.

All gifts to Saint Mary’s are fully tax deductible.
We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose Federal Tax ID is 13-1624187.
If you have questions, please call the Parish Office at 212/869-5830, ext. 10.