To Publish Sunday PM, 10/10/2021
Saint Mary’s is open daily
from 10:00 am
until 5:30 pm.
Monday through
In-person Worship
Daily Mass 12:10 pm
Daily Evening Prayer
5:00 pm
The Twentyfirst Sunday
after Pentecost
October 17, 2021
Solemn Mass 11:00 am
In-person Worship
and Vimeo Live-stream
Sermon by the Reverend Stephen Gerth
Missa Dominicalis
—Tomás Luís de Victoria (c.1548–1611)
I will wash my hands in innocence
—David Hurd (b.1950)
Wir glauben all an einen Gott, Vater, BWV 740
—Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Wir glauben all an einen Gott, Schöpfer, BWV 680
—J. S. Bach
Download the service bulletin here.
Download the lessons for the Eucharist here.