The Angelus: Our Newsletter

Volume 10, Number 41

From the Rector: The Most Important Things

While on vacation, I came across a book that I’d looked at a few years ago when it first came out, Being Dead Is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies’ Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral.  It was written by two members of Saint James’ Church, Jackson, Mississippi.  It’s part cookbook, part commentary.  It’s the kind of book my mother might have taken someone as a hostess gift.  I laughed and laughed as I browsed through it, but I got the point.  No excuse.  Dead or alive, you and I are supposed to do the right thing in life, especially when it comes to dying.

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Volume 10, Number 40

From Father Smith: Some Thoughts on Evangelism

I recently asked a parishioner if he could remember why he had decided to join Saint Mary’s.  I was curious about what had drawn him here in the first place and if there had been something particular, some “tipping point,” that had convinced him to stay.  He smiled and said, “Well, this will seem silly to you, but I had been coming here for a while, mostly to daily Mass.  I’d sit out in the nave.

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Volume 10, Number 39

From The Rector: Churches of the Fathers

Of all the curious events in the Anglican Communion this year, among the most curious to me was the invitation to address the Lambeth Conference given by the archbishop of Canterbury to Walter Kasper, the Roman Catholic cardinal who is president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.  It wasn’t the first time Archbishop Williams had asked Cardinal Kasper to address a gathering.

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Volume 10, Number 38

From The Rector: You Welcomed Me

Many of you know that our parish kitchen has been closed since last fall.  For the moment, there are too many other maintenance projects in the pipeline that must take priority over this one. Fortunately, we can still serve a few things from the kitchen -- coffee, tea, juice and light packaged refreshments – and at receptions on principal feasts, wine, punch and their accompaniments.  But more than that, no.  Curiously, coffee hour on Sundays lasts longer than when the kitchen was working. 

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Volume 10, Number 37

From The Rector: Assumption 2008

There are some members of our parish community who can remember a time when there was no Solemn Mass here on August 15, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  It was Donald Garfield, the seventh rector of the parish, who introduced the solemn celebration of the feast to the regular cycle of the parish’s life.  I imagine there were complaints.  Yet, in spite of these challenges and years of August heat, the church is usually full, the music and the Mass glorious, and the fellowship afterwards wonderful.

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Volume 10, Number 36

From The Rector: Primary Things

For several years, and through several curates, your parish priests have kicked around the idea of having an annual liturgical conference at Saint Mary’s.  This spring Matt Mead came into my office with a proposal for a one-day conference for fall 2008.  I knew we could do it if we had the right speaker to get it started.  Bishop Frank Griswold was excited by the idea and agreed to be the keynote speaker for our first conference.  The brochure for the conference is already on the parish webpage and has been mailed to members of the clergy who are on our parish mailing list.  More publicity is planned.  The conference is called “Primary Things.”  It’s not about “smells and bells” but it’s a time for priests to reflect on their ministry as stewards of the sacraments and servants of the assembly.

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Volume 10, Number 35

From Father Mead: If I Were A Mystery Worshipper

There’s a website called “Ship of Fools” that runs a regular feature called the Mystery Worshipper.  A Mystery Worshipper visits a church and evaluates everything that happens from the moment he or she enters until he or she leaves.  At the end of the review the church gets graded (1-10).  Everything matters, all the details count, and surprisingly, personal preferences about things like-high or low-church styles don’t seem to matter as much as you might think.  Recently Saint Mary’s has had two very positive Mystery Worshipper reviews.  Though the many details matter a great deal, most churches score well, as we did, if those details add up to a smooth flowing service and friendly people (both laity and clergy). 

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Volume 10, Number 34

From Father Smith: The Hope of Our Calling

A friend called me early one morning recently and invited me to a performance of the Public Theater’s production of Hamlet in Central Park.  She told me that she was already in the Park, had a good place in line and was sure that she would be able to get us tickets for that evening’s performance.  I was on vacation and was free that evening, so I eagerly accepted her kind offer.  I also thanked her for doing all the work. 

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Volume 10, Number 33

From the Rector: Richness of Tradition

This week I was finally able to read an article that I’ve wanted to see for some time.  It’s by Father Paul Bradshaw, the Anglican liturgist who is professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame.  Its title is “The Eucharistic Sayings of Jesus” (Studia Liturgica 35, 2005, pages 1-11).  Father Bradshaw is a careful and very readable scholar.  He’s very good at taking a fresh look at sources to see what they say, or don’t say, and to see if the sources are actually addressing a particular issue.

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Volume 10, Number 32

From the Rector: Hail and Farewell

This Sunday, July 6, Robert McCormick will conclude his service as organist and music director of the parish.  As you know, he has accepted a position at Saint Paul’s Parish, Washington, D.C.  His first Sunday with us as the parish musician was on July 1, 2001.  It’s been a wonderful seven years in every way.  I am very proud of the work he has done here and I know you join me in wishing him the best in the years to come.

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Volume 10, Number 31

From the Rector: Peter and Paul

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles.  Most years there are one or two celebrations of a certain rank that parishes can choose to observe in preference to an ordinary Sunday in the Season after Epiphany or the Season after Pentecost.  This year, in addition to Peter and Paul, Holy Cross Day, September 14, falls on a Sunday and we will keep it on Sunday.  We also observe on Sundays the Nativity of John the Baptist (June 24), Assumption (August 15), and Saint Michael and All Angels (September 29) when these feasts fall on Sunday.

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Volume 10, Number 30

From the Rector: Music News

I am delighted to announce that James Kennerley will be interim organist & music director.  His first Sunday will be August 10.  He will play a recital before the Solemn Mass on Friday, August 15.  He is an outstanding young musician.  I could not be happier for all of us.

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Volume 10, Number 29

From the Rector: Daily Mass

In the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, Saint Luke describes the outpouring of the Spirit on the apostles, their first preaching and how those who heard Good News were baptized.  The chapter concludes, “And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they partook of food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people.  And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved” (Acts 2:46-57).  It’s too easy and far too common for us to read the present into the past – the apostles were not, for example, the Church’s first “priests” or “bishops.”  Our idea of “breaking bread” – that is, the Mass –

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Volume 10, Number 28

Volume 10, Number 28, June 8, 2008

From the Rector: Full Gospel ChristiansGetting Up For UsThe other day I was in the church listening to organ music while standing across from the third station of the cross which commemorates Jesus falling for the first time.  For whatever reason, I found myself thinking not about Jesus falling but about Jesus getting up for us.  It mattered that he got up and kept going.  It matters too that you and I get up and get going for others and for Jesus.

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Volume 10, Number 27

From the Rector: Getting Up For Us

The other day I was in the church listening to organ music while standing across from the third station of the cross which commemorates Jesus falling for the first time.  For whatever reason, I found myself thinking not about Jesus falling but about Jesus getting up for us.  It mattered that he got up and kept going.  It matters too that you and I get up and get going for others and for Jesus.

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Volume 10, Number 26

From Father Mead: Corpus Christi

The church owes its celebration of Corpus Christi (officially, the Feast of the Most Holy Body of Christ) primarily to the devotional practices of the laity in the midst of the growing theological emphasis in the West on the real presence in the Eucharist during the thirteenth century.  When the Church began to stress the whole and complete real presence of Jesus in the Bread and Wine of the Eucharist, the people reacted by demanding that they be able to see our Lord.  To this we probably owe the elevations during the Mass and the practice of Eucharistic Exposition (displaying the Sacrament for the people).

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Volume 10, Number 25

From the Rector: Trinity at Saint Mary’s

It is to Pope John XXII, a bishop of “Rome” from 1316 until 1334, who never made it to Rome – he was the second pope in Avignon – that we really owe credit for two of the three “theme” feasts that survive across the wider Church, Trinity Sunday and the Feast of the Most Holy Body of Christ, commonly called “Corpus Christi.”  In John XXII’s day, both celebrations had been around for a while, a Mass of the Holy Trinity since the eighth century, Corpus Christi since the thirteenth.  This pope imposed both celebrations on the entire Western Church.

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Volume 10, Number 24

From the Rector: Pentecost & the Unity of Eastertide

When I begin to reflect on or write about the calendar of the Christian Church, it is important for me to remember that before there was an Easter, a Christmas, a Pentecost or anything else, there was Sunday.  Sunday is the original, weekly celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It is easy to lose sight of the meaning and importance of Sunday for lots of reasons.  But without knowing Sunday as the weekly celebration of Christ’s dying and rising, Christian practice and faith can be overwhelmed by secondary things – the outward signs of ashes and palms come to mind.

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Volume 10, Number 23

From the Rector: Requirements

When I served in Louisiana I knew a retired priest who had come over to the United States years before from the Church of Ireland.  I once interviewed for a position he had held.  He was remembered in that small Louisiana town for many good things, but he was also remembered because he had refused to give out ashes on Ash Wednesday.  Matthew’s gospel says very plainly that we are not to do this, and it was done in his day in the Church of Ireland.  I also remember a priest in Louisiana originally from the evangelical wing of the Church of England.  He simply would not pray for the dead –

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Volume 10, Number 22

From the Rector: Burning the Candle

We manage to use up almost all of our candles one way or another here at Saint Mary’s.  But one candle that has gotten very little use in recent years is the Paschal Candle.  The one we buy is 55 inches tall.  There’s always a lot left over, but not this year.  The candle has been burning, whenever the church has been open, since it was first lit at the beginning of the Great Vigil of Easter.  It will make it through Evensong on Pentecost, the last service of the Easter Season.  There won’t be much left, and that is fine with me.

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