The Angelus: Our Newsletter

Volume XI, Number 49

From the Rector: Feast and Commemoration

This year, All Saints’ Day is Sunday, November 1, and All Souls’ Day is Monday, November 2.  All Saints’ is one of seven “principal feasts” of the Church year.  All Souls’ Day is an optional commemoration.  Each celebration has ancient roots in the Christian communities of the late Roman Empire and the early Byzantine Empire.  Layers of complexity about the meaning and context for each of these celebrations have entered Western Christianity as it evolved before and since the Reformation.

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Volume XI, Number 48

From the Music Director:  “Came for the music, stayed for the Mass”

Not long ago, I re-read the parish profile that Saint Mary’s published in 1998.  It occurred to me, and not for the first time, that many of our parishioners could identify with the phrase that appeared in that document, “came for the music, stayed for the Mass.”  As the ethereal In paradisum from Gabriel Fauré’s beloved Requiem came to a close at Mr. George Blackshire’s Requiem Mass just over a week ago, amid the fading echo of voices and a light haze of incense, I paused.  I thought to myself how very powerful music is in our parish.

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Volume XI, Number 47

From the Rector: Our Mission Today

The New York City Fire Department has been inspecting our buildings on and off since I’ve arrived.  Through this summer and fall we received a rather thorough going over, for which I am thankful.  We’ve been given thirty days to make two necessary and important repairs.  First, we need to clean out and install proper lighting in the church basement.  Second, we need to repair the fire escape in the parish house.

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Volume XI, Number 46

From the Rector: Eucharistic Consecration

When I started attending an Episcopal parish in college, I began learning about Eucharistic consecration, how the bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of Christ.  There were lots of new words and phrases like “Real Presence” (good) and “Transubstantiation” (bad) to learn.  The word “consecration” itself was new –

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Volume XI, Number 45

From the Rector: Giving and Growth

Father Jay Smith and I were having coffee a couple weeks ago after Morning Prayer with parishioner and board of trustees member Robin Landis.  At some point in that conversation, Robin remarked that we should concentrate on work that led to increased “giving and growth.”

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Volume XI, Number 44

From the Rector:  Patterns of Prayer

Last week I had an email from a friend who asked about which prayers we use at Saint Mary’s for the Eucharistic Prayer and for the Prayers of the People.  Mostly we use what is called Eucharistic Prayer A.  Most of our Masses are Said Eucharists for which the congregation uses the Prayer Book.  We use Eucharistic Prayer A because it is in place and requires fewer page announcements.  Newcomers have less confusion.  And, it’s a good, solid prayer.

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Volume XI, Number 43

From Sister Laura Katharine:  Life at Saint Mary’s, Life in Times Square

The Community of Saint John Baptist is a religious order of women in the Episcopal Church.  Our convent is in Mendham, about thirty miles due west of New York City, in a quiet, not-quite-rural part of New Jersey.  Mendham is a town – officially a “borough” – of around 5,000 people that is very different from midtown Manhattan; but now, once again, the Community has an outpost in the city. 

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Volume XI, Number 42

From the Rector: Notes on Hearing Confessions

As you might imagine I have more than a few Prayer Books from my years as a member of the clergy.  Frankly, I can’t keep up with all of them.  When I want a Prayer Book, I want a Prayer Book.  You can find them all over the rectory where I live.  There are at least a half-dozen copies in my office too – so at a meeting all who are present can have one in her or his hands.

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Volume XI, Number 41

From the Rector:  Our New Episcopal Church Calendar

At the Reformation, the calendar of the English Church was greatly simplified for theological reasons.  The church year became basically about Sundays and New Testament commemorations.  Until recently Prayer Book revision happened very gradually.  We basically have inherited the work of the reformers.

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Volume XI, Number 40

From the Rector: Permissions

Yesterday I came across the two-sided sheet entitled “Some Notes for Mass Practice” that Louis Weil handed out to us seniors during our last semester in seminary.  The first “general remark” was this, “The celebrant presides.  He must be sensitive to everything going on in the area of celebration.  He coordinates all ministries.”  Well, this past Sunday was the second time in the last nine months that I have found myself leaving the altar area during Solemn Mass to deal with an urgent issue.

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From the Rector: Thinking about Bread

A copy of David Power’s book Sacrament: The Language of God’s Giving (New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1999) arrived in the mail this week.  He’s a Roman Catholic sacramental theologian, professor emeritus, Catholic University of America.  When I looked through the book for the first time, my eyes stopped on a section near the end entitled “Liturgical Practice.” 

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Volume XI, Number 38

From the Rector:  Godspeed, Father Mead

As many members of the parish community already know, the Church of the Good Shepherd, Granite Springs, New York, has called the Reverend Matthew Mead as their new rector.  His last Sunday with us will be Sunday, August 16.  He will be celebrant and preacher for the 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses.  Following the 11:00 AM Mass there will be a reception in honor of him, his wife Nicole Mead, and their two sons Liam and Nicholas.  We are going to miss them so very much.

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Volume XI, Number 37

From the Rector: A Call and An Assumption

The Church of the Good Shepherd, Granite Springs, New York, has called the Reverend Matthew Hoxsie Mead to serve as their new rector.  The Bishop of New York has approved the appointment.  Father Mead has accepted the call.  His last Sunday at Saint Mary’s as curate will be August 16. 

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Volume XI, Number 36

From Father Smith: The Gift of Sabbath

“Time management” is something that has never been easy for me.  There is a picture of me in an old high-school yearbook that I rediscovered not long ago.  In the photo I am on the move, with tie askew, looking harried and harassed; and underneath the photo there is a caption that reads, “I can’t believe how much work I have to do.”  Saint Mary’s Business Manager, Aaron Koch, insists that I still say that, and do so with some regularity.  Some things never change, or perhaps they only change with difficulty.

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Volume XI, Number 35

From the Rector:  New Prayer Book Lectionary

At the 2006 General Convention, the Episcopal Church replaced the Sunday Lectionary that was adopted with the Prayer Book in 1979 with the “Revised Common Lectionary” – the “RCL.”  The resolution authorizing this change provided that the 1979 old lectionary could be used until Advent 2010.  The just concluded 2009 General Convention took no action to alter this change.  So, in Advent 2010 we will begin using this new lectionary.  The new pew edition Prayer Books for sale in our gift shop already include itthis new lectionary.

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Volume XI, Number 34

From the Rector:  Tradition of the Towel

I’m not entirely sure how I ended up on the mailing list of the “Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond,” but I’m on it and I read through many of their publications.  “BTSR” was founded in 1991 in the wake of the takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention by a fundamentalist group that had begun in 1979.  The current issue of the school’s development office brochure caught my attention.

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Volume XI, Number 33

From the Rector: Salvation History

Some years ago, just before Ryan Lesh, then a member of this parish and now vicar, Christ Church, Red Hook, was ready to be ordained to the transitional diaconate, yours truly had a question about the celebration.  The service was to be held at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine on Saint Joseph’s Day.  Members of the clergy were invited to vest and to wear red stoles for the service. 

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Volume XI, Number 32

From the Rector: Lift Every Voice Great Thanksgiving

In 1987, while serving at Saint Luke’s Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the Reverend Curtis Sisco, the new rector of Saint Luke’s Church, New Orleans, asked me to serve as master of ceremonies for his service of institution.  It was a joyous occasion.  The bishop of Louisiana was celebrant.  I recall a lot of good food afterwards.  There was one part of that service that I’ve never forgotten.  After the ministration of Communion, the congregation and organ burst into a hymn I did not know, “Lift every voice and sing.” 

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Volume XI, Number 31

From the Rector: Ponder Anew Great Thanksgiving

Hymnody plays a huge role in the spiritual life and worship of Reading Sacrifice Unveiled: The True Meaning of Christian Sacrifice by Robert J. Daly, S.J. has sent me back to the books to look afresh at what I think I know about Eucharistic prayers.  In particular, one of his sentences got to me, “the primary focus, indeed the very purpose of the transformation of the bread and wine, is the transformation of the assembly” (page 18).  For some very good reasons, my gut focuses on other dimensions of the Eucharistic mystery.

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Volume XI, Number 30

From the Rector: Great Thanksgiving

Reading Sacrifice Unveiled: The True Meaning of Christian Sacrifice by Robert J. Daly, S.J. has sent me back to the books to look afresh at what I think I know about Eucharistic prayers.  In particular, one of his sentences got to me, “the primary focus, indeed the very purpose of the transformation of the bread and wine, is the transformation of the assembly” (page 18).  For some very good reasons, my gut focuses on other dimensions of the Eucharistic mystery.

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