The Angelus: Our Newsletter

Volume XII, Number 30

From Father Smith: Breaking the Cycle

I don’t know a lot about opera and I know even less about medieval German literature; and so, when I picked up a recent issue of the Times Literary Supplement and read the following headline, “Before Wagner: The Song of the Nibelungs deserves a wider readership than students of German and lovers of opera,” I surrendered.  I’m not sure if I was surrendering to curiosity or to some kind of guilt about my ignorance, but surrender I did.  I read the review of a new English translation of the Song and discovered that the text of the Nibelungenlied had a long and complicated history “before Wagner.”  It turns out that this “greatest medieval German heroic poem” or “revenge saga” existed as oral poetry before it was written down around the year 1200 by an anonymous poet. 

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Volume XII, Number 29

From the Rector: Eucharistic Connections

This spring a lot of my reading has been focused on the history of the Eucharist.  It’s an enormous subject, and one that I will never master, but I am a person who went to seminary in large part because I thought I was called to preside at the Eucharist.  It’s still the foundation of my journey as a Christian person and my work as a Christian pastor.

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Growing up as a Southern Baptist whose father’s family was Roman Catholic made me aware in early childhood of differences among Christian denominations.  What shaped family religious observance I could observe further on the streets of the places we lived.  There were lots of different churches for different denominations.  In the South, there were churches for blacks and whites.  In later years I found out that because I’d grown up in the South, I’d never experienced things like rivalries among Italian, Irish, and Polish Roman Catholic parishes in adjoining neighborhoods.  Living with differences seemed fundamental to my childhood experience of being a Christian.

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Parishioner Thomas Jayne writes a weekly online post for the magazine Interior Design.  This week his article was called, “Discovering Color in Historic Metalwork.”  It turns out that much metalwork we are used to seeing painted black was originally painted with a broader palette.  The last time I was in Colonial Williamsburg, the gates on the Governor’s Mansion were black; they are now off-white.

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I have been wrestling this Eastertide with what for me is a new realization of how little we know about the disciples and the resurrection.  This has struck me pretty forcefully this year.  Why wouldn’t we know more than we do about the most important thing, the resurrection?  I’m not thinking here about Jesus and the tomb.  I’m thinking about the encounter of the disciples with the risen Lord.

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FROM THE RECTOR: Maintaining the Fabric

Last Friday I met with architects Michael Devonshire and Richard Pieper of Jan Hird Pokorny Associates.  I was put in touch with them during Easter Week by parishioner and architect Peter Pennoyer after small pieces of our façade had fallen to the street.  (Most thankfully, of course, no one was hurt.)  As you may know, a protective “sidewalk shield” went up that week across the 46th Street frontage of our complex.  Michael and Richard have made a very preliminary survey of the building.  I’ve asked them to outline a proposal for addressing our needs.

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FROM THE RECTOR: Easter Thanksgiving

Last Saturday the terrorist parked his weapon by what is now the West 45th Street entrance of the Minskoff Theatre.  From December 8, 1870, until December 8, 1895, that address was the first home of the Church of Saint Mary the Virgin.  If we were still at that location, we might not have been able to hold services last Sunday.  But since 1895 we have been on the other side of Times Square.  Our doors were open on Sunday morning at the usual hour.  All of the regular Sunday services were celebrated.  At different points in the morning I found myself thinking about Dom Gregory Dix’s famous meditation on the Eucharist.

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FROM THE RECTOR: Connecting with our past

The Annual Meeting of the congregation will take place on Sunday, May 2, following the 11:00 AM Solemn Mass.  At this meeting, the Board of Trustees, parish organizations and staff present reports on the work of the past year.  Members of the parish elect our two representatives (and two alternates) to the annual convention of the Diocese of New York.  The meeting is a small celebration of what we do all year.  2009 was a year of significant transition at Saint Mary’s. 

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FROM THE RECTOR: Good Shepherd Sunday: 1967 – 2010

On Maundy Thursday, I made two changes in the liturgy for that night.  An ordinary form of bread and wine were used for Communion.  And, there was only one elevation of the Gifts, at the end of the Eucharistic Prayer, followed by one genuflection.  Beginning this Sunday, Good Shepherd Sunday 2010, ordinary bread (actually a communion bread recipe from Saint Gregory’s Abbey, Three Rivers, Michigan) and wine will be used for all Solemn Masses.  And beginning this Sunday, there will only be one elevation of the Gifts and one genuflection during the Eucharistic Prayer at all Masses.

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This issue of the Angelus is being written in web page format.  In the past, we wrote first for the paper version that we send out by United States mail.  The reason for this is simple.  Recent upgrades in our word processing program and in our web host mean that it takes far less time to prepare the newsletter in this new way.

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Volume XII, Number 20

From the Rector: Easter Graces

On Easter Day as I arrived for a short rehearsal before Solemn Evensong, I learned that a few very small pieces of stone seemed to have fallen from the front of our building to the sidewalk.  We couldn’t find any obvious source of a problem.  On Tuesday we had an engineering firm here.  On Wednesday, they returned with equipment to evaluate a couple of areas of concern.  As I write on Thursday morning, a “sidewalk shed” is going up across the front of Saint Mary’s complex of buildings on West 46th Street.  The great Easter grace is that we know we have a problem and no one was injured in its discovery.  For this, I am very, very thankful.

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Volume XII, Number 19

From the Rector: Easter Renewal

I write during the last hours of Lent.  It’s Maundy Thursday.  The sun is shining this afternoon in New York City after the rainiest March on record here.  There is some activity in the church, but it is quiet activity as the final preparations are made for the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper.  Our rainy March seemed to go too slowly, but I feel as if Lent has passed very quickly.  It ends tonight at sunset as the Easter Triduum begins.

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Volume XII, Number 18

From the Rector: Holy Week Faith

The first time I attended all the services of Holy Week was 1980, the year I went to seminary.  Before then, I had never been in a parish that offered all those services.  Since then, apart from three years of service, two in a parish that didn’t offer everything and my first year in Indiana, I’ve been in communities where the liturgies of this week were the center of everything.  That said, I know it’s taken me a long time to get a handle on how it all fits together.  The richness and beauty of Christian worship can be very seductive. But I think I’ve finally got it: Sunday Christian worship is the foundation of it all, even in Holy Week.

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Volume XII, Number 17

From the Rector: Inheritance and Vision

Many people in our parish community are busy right now with preparations for Holy Week and the Easter Triduum.  It all seems so easy once we get to the services on these days; but that’s because so many have been giving generously of their time and treasure.  When the great days come, this kind of preparation makes it possible for us to eat and drink with a special richness in remembrance of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Thank you to all who have helped and who will be helping as the days approach.

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Volume XII, Number 16

From Father Smith: “Rejoice, O Jerusalem …”

Longtime readers of this newsletter are probably acquainted with the section of our prayer list entitled “Grant them peace…”  We developed and started to publish that section of the list a couple of years ago after our archivist, Dick Leitsch, and a small group of volunteers, had finished a long-term project working with the parish’s burial registers.  Those registers, which go back to the parish’s founding in the last third of the nineteenth century are, it turns out, a gold mine of historical, sociological, genealogical, and ecclesiastical information.

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Volume XII, Number 15

From the Rector: When Eucharistic Signs Signify

If any of us were to walk into an assembly hall that was completely empty except for a table and what appeared to be a small empty pool, few of us would immediately think we were in a Christian church.  But a table and a pool are the fundamental signs that we are in a place where the Body of Christ gathers.  What’s going on?  What’s happened?  If table and pool, things that are primary and fundamental for the Christian assembly, no longer signify, then something is amiss.

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Volume XII, Number 14

From the Rector: Cleaning Up

One of the funniest movies I know is Cold Comfort Farm, made in 1995.  Based on the 1932 novel of the same name by Stella Gibbons (1902-1999), it’s the story of a young modern woman who helps her country relatives get unstuck.  She’s sophisticated, well-educated, but with no money.  She did inherit an interest in the family farm. 

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Volume XII, Number 13

From the Rector: New Direction

Chuck Metzger, the gym director where I work out, has been encouraging me to for a long time to exercise in the morning.  While Father Smith was away on vacation, I realized that the only way I could make time to get myself on the treadmill was to be on it by 7:00 AM.  So I got up and went.  The results were unexpected.  Chuck was right.

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Volume XII, Number 12

From the Rector: Humbly and Daily

It was our former organist and music director Robert McCormick who put me on to a word change in one of my favorite hymns, “Only-begotten, Word of God eternal.”  The hymn text is based on a ninth century song for the consecration of a church.  Maxwell Julius Blacker (1822-1888), a priest of the Church of England, was the basic translator and author of the text we now use.  It was sung at the preparation of the gifts at the Solemn Mass on Candlemas.  This hymn came into use in the Episcopal Church in The Hymnal 1940. 

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Volume XII, Number 11

From the Rector: Buttons and Oil

Last Saturday I unlocked the gate to the baptistery so I could get a small table.  As I went in I noticed what I thought was water on the floor all around the font.  As I looked to see if there was a leak I realized it wasn’t water.  It was oil.  It was sacred chrism.  Fortunately, Sister Laura Katharine was in the chancel too.  She cleaned up the chrism (and left the towel she used to be burned by the thurifer when he prepared coals for incense the next morning).  The young man we baptized at the Solemn Mass on the Feast of the Baptism of Christ knew he had been washed and knew he had been anointed.

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