The Angelus: Our Newsletter

Volume 22, Number 41

Volume 22, Number 41


I have been thinking about the relationship between love and justice this week thanks to Rabbi Jonathan Sacks—more about that in a bit. At one point, oddly enough, I found myself thinking about Charlotte Brontë’s novel, Jane Eyre. I’ve always thought of it as a story in which “love conquers all.” But things may be more complicated than that.

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Volume 22, Number 40

Volume 22, Number 40


The 1949 General Convention of the Episcopal Church, meeting in San Francisco, approved the publication of a series of Prayer Book Studies by the Standing Liturgical Commission. Committees of members and scholars were formed. The first two, on Baptism and Confirmation, were published in one thin paperback volume in 1950. The series concluded in 1989 with Prayer Book Studies 30: Supplemental Liturgical Texts. All but three of the first series are available online here, a website maintained by The Society of Archbishop Justus.

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Volume 22, Number 39

Volume 22, Number 39


Hymns have a unique way of touching lives and faith. After a few years as rector of Trinity Church, Michigan City, Indiana, I realized that Easter hymns were becoming associated in my heart with parishioners I had buried. As years passed, few Easter hymns didn’t remind me of people who had died. I never sing “The strife is o’er” without thinking of Marion Sprague. She was the first person in that congregation I called on. She had been an English teacher for many years at the local high school, the kind of person who helped others be their best. She loved the parish in which she had grown up. She made me promise not to sprinkle her coffin with holy water or cense it, and I kept my promise. But her coffin got handfuls of dirt at the grave. “Alleluia! sing to Jesus” and “For all the saints” I try never to let myself sing when I’m celebrant at the Eucharist. The words and the associations with those that have gone before can overwhelm me in a flash.

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Volume 22, Number 38

Volume 22, Number 38


I am so thankful that we were able to live-stream our Masses using our iPhones and Facebook, from Tuesday, March 17, 2020, through Tuesday, June 30. Many thanks to Br. Damien Joseph SSF for showing us the way. The response was tremendous. On Saturday, June 26, the board met to chart our future. Live-stream worship from Saint Mary’s will be a part of our future. The board decided that we would make proper video and sound equipment the Assumption Appeal this year. As I write, I expect the letters and emails for the appeal will reach you before next Sunday.

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Volume 22, Number 37

Volume 22, Number 37


Most of my life as an Episcopalian has been lived in Rite Two. But there are days when I wish a few things were different. We are in the period in the year when God’s love and mercy don’t seem to be very much in evidence in many of the stories we read from the Old Testament at Daily Morning and Evening Prayer. This liturgical year, on Saturday morning, July 11, we heard the account of Moses’ death (Deuteronomy 34:1-12). God did not forgive him. Moses died, having seen, but not entered, the Promised Land. That night at Evening Prayer, David slew Goliath (1 Samuel 17:31-49). Following Moses’ death, Joshua led the children of Israel into the conquest of the Promised Land with the slaughter of men, women, children, and cattle.

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Volume 22, Number 36

Volume 22, Number 36


Dr. David Hurd reminded me last week that, when the church was closed for public worship on Sunday, March 15, 2020, we hoped we would be open for Holy Week. That, of course, did not happen, but we did reopen, when permitted, on July 1, 2020, and we have been open daily since then. At the beginning of August, our current opening hours—Sunday:10:00 AM–12:30 PM; Monday through Saturday: 11:00 AM–2:00 PM—will continue through the end of the month. On Sundays, we will continue to have a Said Mass with an organist, cantor, and two altar servers at 11:00 AM. Monday through Saturday, the daily Mass will be at 12:10 PM. There will be no evening Eucharists for the Feast of the Transfiguration (Thursday, August 6), the Eve of the Assumption (Friday, August 14), or Saint Bartholomew the Apostle (Monday, August 24).

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Volume 22, Number 35

Volume 22, Number 35

The pandemic has created challenges for most aspects of our common life at Saint Mary’s, disrupting our worship and fellowship, putting stress on our clergy and staff, and making the outreach and service to the needy in our community difficult or impossible.

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Volume 22, Number 34

Volume 22, Number 34


Michael Merenda died at home on Friday morning, July 17, 2020. He was seventy-five years old. Mike, as he was known, had been gravely ill for many weeks. He had a rare blood cancer, myelofibrosis. He is survived by his spouse, Leroy Sharer, his sister-in-law Mary Merenda, and many nieces and nephews. He will be mourned by friends, colleagues, and members of his parish community. He was a generous and happy person. He was a genuine friend to many, including me.

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Volume 22, Number 33

Volume 22, Number 33


I may be mistaken, and I would be delighted to know that I am. Still, I think Saint Mary's is the only Episcopal Church parish in Manhattan that opened for public worship on July 1, 2020, the first-day parishes of our diocese were permitted to be open. We continue to be open daily.

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Volume 22, Number 32

Volume 22, Number 32


Saint Mary’s opened for worship and private prayer on Wednesday, July 1, at 11:00 AM. The Holy Eucharist was celebrated at 12:10 PM. There were fourteen us in the church for Mass. Father Jay Smith was celebrant and preacher. Usher Guild Chair Marie Rosseels, Br. Damien Joseph, and I assisted visitors and regulars. All went well. People are used to masks and safe distancing—decals along the entire main aisle helped a lot (more for the side aisles are on the way—tape is down in the meantime). A few people came in to pray and light candles at the shrines.

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Volume 22, Number 31

Volume 22, Number 31


Beginning Wednesday, July 1, the 46th street doors of the church will be open Monday through Saturday from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM, and the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at the high altar at 12:10 PM. On Sundays, we plan for the church to be open from 10:00 AM until 12:30 PM, and the celebration of the Sunday Mass to be at 11:00 AM. Dr. David Hurd will play for us at that service, but there can be no congregational singing at this time. The 47th Street door of the church will not be open until the pandemic has passed. We have no idea about how many will be able to attend any of these services. Our doors have been closed since Sunday, March 15. All of this will be new for us. We will have to see what works and what doesn’t. Though we are eager to be able to worship together in person once again, the health and safety of all must remain our paramount concern.

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Volume 22, Number 30

Volume 22, Number 30


As I write, the board of trustees, staff, and parish clergy are planning for the reopening of the church for public worship and prayer on Wednesday, July 1. There are many moving parts, as it were, that need to come together for this to happen. Before that day, all of the cushions, kneelers, books, and pamphlets will need to be removed from the church and the chapels. I think it will be just fine with the Lord if we stand or sit, as we are able, for all of the prayers—including the confession of sin.

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Volume 22, Number 29

Volume 22, Number 29


I met Father Edgar Wells in the fall of 1980, at the beginning of my first year at Nashotah House Seminary. Father Wells was a member of the seminary board of trustees. The priest who sent me to seminary had been Father Wells’ seminarian when he studied at Nashotah House. Somewhere in the rectory, there is copy of an issue of Ave, Saint Mary’s newsletter before the advent of the digital age, which Father Wells sent me when he returned home. He inscribed it with a note that went something like, “Dear Stephen, Please come and visit St. Mary’s when you are in New York.” In the end, that visit never took place. I did not see Father Wells again until I came to New York to be interviewed by the board and also the bishop of New York to be considered for the position of rector. Father Wells invited me to come to his apartment for breakfast—pancakes, bacon, juice, and coffee. He was very gracious and honest about the work he saw ahead for the next rector.

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Volume 22, Number 28

Volume 22, Number 28

EDGAR FISHER WELLS, JR., priest, MARCH 26, 1930–JUNE 7, 2020

This morning, Trinity Sunday, the eighth rector of Saint Mary’s died at home under the care of hospice. He has not been well. His ninetieth birthday was in March. His mortal body is now at rest, and he is with the Lord he served selflessly, faithfully, and loyally as a priest of the Episcopal Church. His cousin Robin Clifford called me this morning not long before the Sung Mass. I announced this before the Eucharist began. For the first time, his name in the prayers was not the last, that is, the most senior, of the priests who are on parish prayer list. Many years ago, he planned for the Burial of the Dead to be celebrated at Saint Mary’s, which we will do at some appropriate point in the future. Then his ashes interred will be with those of his parents at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. In the meantime, his ashes will rest at Saint Mary’s. I will write more about Father Wells next week. Rest eternal grant to him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him. —Stephen Gerth

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Volume 22, Number 27

Volume 22, Number 27


The bishop of New York has decided that public worship may resume for congregations that choose to reopen and, are prepared properly to be open, on Wednesday, July 1, 2020. I invite you to read Bishop Andrew Dietsche’s letter at this link on the diocesan website. I hope very much our parish will be ready on July 1 to open our doors for public worship and, I hope, also for some part of the day for people who want to rest and pray.

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Volume 22, Number 26

Volume 22, Number 26


Sunday, May 24, marks the beginning of the eleventh week that Saint Mary’s has been closed for public worship. We closed one day before the bishop of New York announced a suspension of services for all of the congregations of our diocese on Monday, May 16. On Ascension Day, May 21, I walked by the Roman Catholic Church of Our Saviour at the corner of Park Avenue and 38th Street. The church was open for private prayer. I took off my hat and went in. There may have been ten people in the church praying. I stayed long enough to say a prayer for my Roman Catholic grandparents and the other deceased relatives in my father’s family whom I had known pretty well growing up. I took a picture of the sign posted by the open front doors. On Friday, May 22, a colleague shared a copy of the Archdiocese of New York plan to be eligible in New York State’s Phase 2 for reopening. It’s called, Faith Forward—at this link you can find an “Executive Summary” and “Guidelines for Sacramental Celebrations.”

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Volume 22, Number 25

Volume 22, Number 25


I grew up with the King James Version of the Bible (KJV). I got my own first KJV from my maternal grandmother for Christmas 1961. She died on January 4, 1962. I turned eight in February. Her oldest child, the Reverend Dr. Lawrence Matthews, is a retired minister. I am oldest too. Sometimes I think that it was really she, and not the suffragan bishops of Chicago (diaconate) and Dallas (priesthood), who ordained me. I still have that bible.

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Volume 22, Number 24

Volume 22, Number 24


On Sunday, May 10, Father Jim Pace will be celebrant and preacher for the live-stream Sung Mass at 10:00 AM and officiant for the live-stream Evening Prayer and Sung Benediction at 5:00 PM. The moving van has taken away the furniture and furnishings that are going to his home in Georgia. On Friday morning, May 15, he will be celebrant and preacher for the 10:00 AM Eucharist. That afternoon he will leave for Georgia to take up his new position on June 1 as dean of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at Valdosta State University. I know I speak for many when I say he will be greatly missed as a priest, a teacher, a pastor, and, for many, a great friend.

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Volume 22, Number 23

Volume 22, Number 23


When Mass was over this morning, Friday, May 1, 2020, and I checked my phone, my heart sank when I saw the subject line of an e-mail from the Episcopal Diocese of New York. It read, “Suspension of Public Worship Extended to July 1.” You can read the statement from Bishop Andrew Dietsche using this link to the diocesan website. I assumed that there would be an extension beyond May 17. I was hoping that, for now, the next extension would only be until the end of this month. Though there are good signs that COVID-19 is slowly receding, great economic hardship for tens of millions of people is on the rise. Finding a balance between these two imperatives has not been easy.

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Volume 22, Number 22

Volume 22, Number 22


Saint Mary’s board of trustees has been meeting for about thirty minutes via Zoom every Thursday morning since March 26. That was the day of our regularly scheduled monthly meeting. It was a good and helpful meeting, and so we realized then that it would be important, and useful, for us to meet somewhat more frequently, if somewhat less formally, during this time in order to stay in touch with each other about the parish community and what we’re doing while we are closed for public worship.

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